Doing two cons back to back is exhausting and really, really fun. After visiting my old stomping grounds in Calgary for When Words Collide, I spent a smoke-pocalyptic week in Spokane attending WorldCon.
Highlights: paneling with industry giants such as Vonda McIntyre and Connie Willis, meeting up with Viable Paradise classmates, attending the Hugo Awards, parties, more parties, listening to some fantastic panels, signing books, reading, connecting with friends old and new, and the general awesomeness of attending my first two cons as a published novelist.
A treat: recorded live at WorldCon, episode 16 of Ditch Diggers hosted by Mur Lafferty and Matt Wallace, features me, Kate Elliott, Linda Nagata, and Aliette de Bodard navigating the hairy scenarios of publishing, D&D-style. It was a hell of a lot of fun and you can listen to it here.